Persona Worksheet: Identifying Customer Unmet Needs in Record Time
Last time, we discussed the importance of specific, unmet, and critical needs to solve. Without this, you risk solving less important problems, ultimately harming the strength of your positioning and messaging statement.
Now, it's your turn to apply the steps we identified to flesh out your understanding of your target segment.
(For further explanation of any of the steps below, see the related article Customer Unmet Needs)
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Step 2: Fill out Persona Worksheet
These is the key information that will generate a “rough draft” of your core needs statement, which is the first part of your positioning and messaging statement.
Go to the tab “Persona Worksheet.” Scroll past the below. This comes later.
Note this statement is automatically generated by your inputs below, so fill the below out first.
Add in all items with the blue header under “Your Answer”
Hit the ungroup buttons. These include longer text that contain useful information for future reference, such as the 'Dream Outcome (Full Statement).’
Fill out unmet needs - gaps. Do so by going through Step 3 below.This clarifies real market gaps that are worth solving. While you can technically skip this step, I recommend you do a deep dive if you feel your positioning needs improvement. This step is also critical to the following section on identifying your top differentiators.
Step 3: Identify Unmet Needs - Gaps
List specific names of alternatives currently used to address their top unmet need and their limitations.
Commit to checking your optimism bias.
To counter this, study the real-world alternatives—those imperfect yet "good enough" solutions people already use to meet their needs.
Innovators often stumble because they fail to understand the real-world alternatives their audience already uses (or would realistically consider) to solve unmet needs. By ignoring these existing solutions, they risk comparing themselves against "illusory alternatives" that fail to address the limitations of current options their target considers. This misstep blinds them to authentic market gaps and opportunities.
⚠️ If you find yourself questioning whether your audience actively seeks solutions or passively tolerates existing limitations, consider this a crucial red flag. ⚠️
You may be addressing a problem that feels secondary or irrelevant to those you aim to serve. Early-stage innovations cannot afford to both solve a problem and persuade users to care about it. Actions often speak louder than words; just because your target claims an issue matters does not mean it truly does. Instead, heed these signals early and recalibrate your focus, ensuring that your efforts align with what genuinely drives your audience's decisions.
Audit real alternatives. Open tab “Alternatives that Address Target's Need” and identify key alternatives, including the status quo solution and the name(s) of key competitors in the field. Remember to focus on genuine competitors who share the same target market and seek the address the same core need and/or limitations of the status quo. (For more specific guidance on this tab, see Messaging & Positioning Template: Customer unmet needs).
If you need tie-breakers, fill out the columns to the right of the “tie breaker” column.
Limitations Tab
Add top Limitations. To add choices to the Limitations dropdown, follow the steps below by going to the specific tab “Unsolved Limitations of Top Alternatives.” This is an incredibly important section to get right. These limitations represent the “market gaps” you address with your solution.
Prioritize. Score them on the criteria listed to identify the top limitations and add reasoning and details around these limitations.
Alternatives Tab
Complete. Score the rest of the criteria in the tab “Alternatives that Address Target's Needs.”
Add to the reasoning column. This helps others understand the “why” behind your scoring.
Step 4: Generate your Customer Unmet Needs Statement
Back in the “Persona Worksheet” tab:
Fill out the rest of the Unmet Needs - Gaps. Draw from your work in the tabs above.
View the draft generated, once all rows with a ⭐ are filled in.
Refine and clarify. (As also mentioned in the first post in the messaging and positioning template series, consider using AI to help generate options, but don’t overly wordsmith).
Step 5: Send Your Completed Worksheet
Check off and confirm completion of every key step in tab “Checklist”
Share this sheet with me providing “edit” access
Next: Differentiators
Now review the post developing your differentiator now that you’ve clarified and deepened your understanding of your target segment’s needs and existing market gaps.
👉 What’s your biggest challenge in this process? Share your feedback here or untoggle by clicking.